Wednesday, February 23, 2011

in search of goat meat part 2

3 weeks ago I consumed my first kilo of grilled goat meat. last week my roommate and i did it again, and i was just as happy. but this week i wanted something a bit different. my roommate bill and i went up to junction to get a few things. while waiting at the post office while bill was sending somethings, i could not help but watch one of the many butchers of the 1/8th of a mile strip of shops clean a very large hunk of meat. she went over it with a small knife like a someone shaving. so delicate and caring, she striped the meat of everything that was not good to eat. my stomach wanted meat. after stopping off at a few stands, we bought onions, garlic and herbs, just to have to mix into dinners and what not. we hit on the subject of getting a few kilos of meat for dinner, but bill said "why not get it raw and cook it at home?". so after stopping at the butcher shop and being tempted by the already cooked meat on the grill, i walked inside to buy the freshest meat i could. i put up 2 fingers and as clear as i could, said "2 kilos of goat". the man inside became so excited, he grabbed a fresh leg, and started chopping and weighing it. "1. 3 kilos" he kept saying, i guess 2 was not possible. after some talks with bill, he dropped the price from 700 schill to 580. Tip 1: always bring the smarter American with you when buying anything. we took the meet home, but not without striking fear into a few passing goats by showing them their own departed brothers. when we got home, i went to our resident expert chef, Lucy. i sometimes call Lucy our team mom, because she takes care of us much like a team mom would do for her sons basketball team. Lucy lives on the premises with her 2 daughters and the 3rd one going to a nice school close by. Lucy has agreed to show us how to prepare the meat and make it the best possible. she would know, the food she produces is out of this world good.

she starts by boiling the meat in a pot for 10-15 min to get the meat to fall off the bone. already i start to get really hungry. after it's done, she transfers the meat to a tray and starts slicing as much of the meat away from the bone. not long after hitting the tray, there is a nice pile of meat. she then takes the onions and garlic and herbs we bought and throws them into an empty pot. i should mention the water that the goat was boiled in is being saved almost as a stock for future meals. we heat the pot and toss in the meat. Lucy says to let the meat sit on top so the fat melts off and cooks the onions and garlic below it. we begin to stir it, not wanting anything to burn. it's like stiring almost solid conctrete, the bones work against us stirring, but when Lucy stirs, it's like stirring butter. she tosses in salt and beef seasoning and we are told it's done. the kitchen smells like the kitchen in Heaven smells like, fresh herbs and meat. we portion it out among us (giving Lucy the most) and finally we sit down to eat. the first bite hits me like a nothing else, this is the best meat i have ever eaten. i devour my meal while savoring the intense flavor of the meal. I am somewhat depressed when i took my last bite. but the satisfaction that the entire meal brought with it is unforgettable. on the way to the boys dorms to say good night, the 2 dogs who live here, can't help but follow the smell of the goat that has sunk into my clothes. the boys ask why i smell like meat, i don't respond.

I love kenya.  

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